Below are some links to information you might find useful such as local services.
There is also information about how you can care for yourself if you have a variety of conditions and general patient information
NHS Wales 111
Local Services
- Fairwater hub and library:
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Information for residents ( - Pentrebane zone (community centre run by the local community)
- Independent living services (Cardiff council social services):
Independent Living Services ( - DEWIS (online directory of local services): - Stepiau (mental health support and Self-help):
Stepiau | - Help me quit (stop smoking service):
Help Me Quit | Stop Smoking Services in Wales - Care and Repair (home improvements, benefit and financial advice, fuel advice for older people):
Care & Repair Cymru: Improving Homes, Changing Lives ( - Carers Trust (support and advice for carers of all ages):
Carers Trust | - Books on prescription (books about living with and caring for someone with dementia available from local libraries):
Reading Well ( - Insole Court:
Insole Court| - Stay Steady Clinic (falls reduction) – 02920 534234 /
- Guide for parents with sick children (When should I worry?):
When should I worry-Booklet_England-with 111 service_2016.pdf - Choose Pharmacy:
Choose Pharmacy – Community Pharmacy Wales - General self-care advice on minor illnesses:
Treat Yourself Better - Pocket Medic (self-care advice videos):
PocketMedic | - Live well (Advice, tips and tools for health and wellbeing):
Live Well – NHS ( - Fitter Better Sooner (preparing for surgery):
Preparing for surgery – Fitter Better Sooner | The Royal College of Anaesthetists ( - Drinkaware:
- We are undefeatable (exercise for people with long term conditions:
- 10 steps to getting more active:
- NHS better Health
- Couch to 5K:
- Get running with Couch to 5K – NHS (
- Emergency dentist: 02920 190175
- Out of hours dentist: 02920 444500 / 01495 332000
- Low vision service Wales 01267 248793
Patient information
- Diabetes:
- Freestyle Libre 2 replacement:
- Sensor Support Form | United Kingdom | FreeStyle Libre | Abbott
- Blood donation:
Donating blood – Welsh Blood Service ( - Organ donation:
Organ and tissue donation | GOV.WALES - Vaccinations:
Vaccinations – NHS ( - Breast feeding in Wales:
Patient Downloads
Guide to Information available from FHC under the FOIA model publication scheme.pdf 237.54 KB