Booking Routine Appointments
Routine 10-minute appointments are held throughout the day and may be booked by telephoning 029 2056 6291, coming to the reception desk or via My Health Online (currently suspended due to COVID19), (speak to reception for sign up details). Please note that our telephones are very busy between 8am and 9am.
Non urgent routine appointments can be requested by completing an EConsult form (link on the home page or below). Please note that if you do not get a response within 3 working days, we request that you telephone the surgery to check with have received your request.
Same Day Appointments
We provide shorter same day clinics every day if your medical problem requires more urgent attention. Please telephone between 8am and 9am where possible to book a same day appointment.

My Health Online
Online appointments can be booked 24 hours a day by using the My Health online link (or the Appointment booking/cancelling icon on this page). It is secure and safe for both the practice and patients. Patients accessing this facility will do so via a secure server and at no time can they view the actual practice system.
If you are interested in using this service, please contact reception to arrange. You will need to provide one piece of identification, such as driving licence, passport, credit card etc. due to the nature of the information being accessed. We will activate your medical records and issue a document with the necessary pin numbers and codes. Please be aware that the activation codes are only live for up to 24 hours before this process must be repeated.
Expressing a preference to see a particular GP
The Practice encourages patients to see the same GP especially when there is a long-term medical condition present. If this is the case then the preference should be expressed at the time of booking the appointment. It is possible to record your preference on your medical record but a verbal request will ensure you are told by the receptionist the waiting time for that particular GP and if they are away on holiday etc.